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Visa information
09 March 2020 15:05

Visa Center


Ukrainian visas are issued within 3 types:

  • transit (B type) visas. B type visas are issued in cases where a foreigner/stateless person intends to transit through Ukraine and each transit period does not exceed 5 days. B type visas are issued as single / double / multiple entry visas valid for a maximum of 1 year or another period depending on supporting documents. 
  • short-term (C type) visas. C type visas are issued in cases where a foreigner/stateless person intends to stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days within every 180 days. C type visas are issued as single / double / multiple entry visas valid for 6 months or another period depending on supporting documents but cannot be issued for more than a 5 year-term.
  • long-term (D type) visas. D type visas are issued in cases where a foreigner/stateless person intends to apply for a temporary residence permit to stay in Ukraine for more than 90 days. D type visas are issued as multiple entry visas valid for 90 days.

Check whether you need a visa to enter Ukraine here

How to apply:

1. Ukraine's Embassies or Consulates abroad. Every foreigner or a stateless person who is required to have an entry Ukrainian visa may apply for her/his visa to the relevant Ukraine's Embassy or Consulate no earlier than 3 months before the date of the planned entry to Ukraine.

2. MFA visa divisions at border check points at "Boryspil" and "Odesa" international airports in certain cases (emergency visa on arrival). Detailed information may be found here.

3. one of Ukraine's 56 Visa Application Centres abroad. VACs receive visa applications from foreigners and stateless persons residing in VACs location countries only - list of operating VACs may be found here.

4. online via the evisa.mfa.gov.ua/ MFA website (e-Visa applications only). E-Visas are issued to foreigners-holders of passports of 52 specified countries as single entry 30-day visas under these 6 categories (as per the purpose of travel to Ukraine):

  • business;
  • private;
  • tourism;
  • medical treatment;
  • cultural / scientific / educational / sports activities;
  • foreign mass media staff visits.

Please visit the MFA e-Visa webpage for eligible countries and e-Visa application process.

More details on e-Visa application procedure can be found at the Help section of the MFA e-Visa website.

Visa application registration

MFA’s advice to all applicants is to fill in and register their visa applications for the relevant Embassy/Consulate/MFA division at an airport/Visa Centre online at visa.mfa.gov.ua.

Registering, printing, signing and bringing your visa application form along with your supporting documents will make the application process easier and save your time.

Supporting documents

According to Ukraine’s Visa Rules all applicants should provide the following documents in order to apply for their visa:

1. passport/travel document which should comply with these requirements:

  • be valid for at least 3 months after the intended date of departure from Ukraine;
  • have at least 2 pages free from any visas/marks/stamps;
  • be issued for no more than 10 years.

2. printed and signed visa application form (please see MFA advice on visa application registration above);

3. 1 applicant’s photo (35x45 mm);

4. proof that the applicant is a holder of (or is entitled to benefit from) a valid medical/travel insurance policy to cover Ukraine and the period of stay (the policy should provide a minimum of €30 000 or equivalent coverage). Holders of diplomatic/service passports are exempt from this requirement;

5. proof of sufficient funds to cover the costs of stay (e.g. bank statement for 2 recent months, cash in Ukrainian hryvnia/other convertible currency, bank cards along with current/savings account balance statements provided the bank cards can be cashed in Ukraine, hotel/accommodation booking, letter from the applicant’s employer/sponsor confirming their coverage of applicant’s expenses in Ukraine, a return/transit ticket etc). Holders of diplomatic/service passports are exempt from this requirement. For more details on this requirement please see the Procedure for Providing Sufficient Funds by Foreigners and Stateless Persons Entering, Staying in, Transiting through or Leaving Ukraine approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no.884 of 4 December 2013 (in Ukrainian).

6. paid visa fee receipt (unless stipulated otherwise by Ukraine’s legislation or Ukraine’s international treaty).

Please note that in cases where applicants reside in a country that is different from the country of their nationality/citizenship Ukraine’s Embassies/Consulates abroad may only be able to accept visa applications from applicants holding valid temporary/permanent residence documents (long-term visas/residence permits or their equivalents etc.).

Along with the mentioned documents applicants are expected to submit documents confirming the purpose of their planned visit to Ukraine:

for transit (B type) visas – one of the following:

visa for another country (if required) and tickets;

document(s) confirming that passengers/cargo are to transit through Ukraine by car/coach;

international carrier license issued by the relevant authority of a foreign state

for short-term (C type) visas – one of the following:

  • invitation letter from an entity/company/organisation registered in Ukraine, presented on the official letterhead, with indication of the entity/company/organisation’s number according to Ukraine’s Unified State Registry of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Citizens’ Associations, registration number, date and signature, full name of the invited person, information about his/her date and place of birth, nationality, passport details, place of residence, purpose of visit, duration of intended visit to Ukraine, number of entries and place of stay in Ukraine, legal person’s obligations to cover costs related to the invited person’s stay and/or departure from Ukraine;
  • original of the notarized invitation letter from Ukraine’s national or a foreigner/stateless person who legally resides (temporarily or permanently) in Ukraine. Invitation should contain full surname and name(s) of the inviting person, details of his/her passport and temporary or permanent residency permit (for a foreigner/stateless person), address, and full name of the invited person, information about his/her date and place of birth, nationality, passport details, place of residence, purpose of visit, duration of intended visit to Ukraine, number of entries and place of stay in Ukraine, inviting person’s obligations to cover costs related to the applicant’s stay and/or departure from Ukraine. Copies of the inviting person’s Ukrainian passport (if an inviting person is Ukraine’s national) or copies of the foreigner’s/stateless person’s passport and their Ukrainian temporary/permanent residency permit (if an inviting person is a foreigner/stateless person) should be provided as well;
  • invitation letter issued  by Ukraine’s ministries / other central executive authorities, state entities and organizations;
  • passenger / cargo carriers’ contract as well as the relevant international passenger / cargo carrier’s license;
  • certificate of a person of Ukrainian descent issued by Ukraine’s National Committee on Persons of Ukrainian Descent. If applicant’s family applies for this type of visa as well documents on their status and family relation to the applicant should also be provided;
  • proof that the applicant’s main purpose of journey to Ukraine is tourism (hotel/accommodation booking(s), programme of stay, information on the tour(s) and the tour(s’) timeframes, tourist agency details, transfer details, sightseeing information etc.);
  • invitation letter issued  by Ukraine’s hospital/medical treatment institution;
  • document issued by the relevant regional/city state administration/bank confirming that the applicant has made an investment to Ukraine’s economy;
  • document(s) confirming that the applicant owns property (real estate) allocated in Ukraine;
  • invitation letter issued by a religious organization in Ukraine for a short-term performance of missionary activities accompanied  by a letter issued by Ukraine’s Ministry for Culture / Department on Religious Matters of  the relevant regional or city state administration – depending which authority has registered that religious organization;
  • a letter of the foreign Mass Media with a request to issue a visa to the foreign correspondent/Mass Media staff member who intends to travel to Ukraine in his/her professional capacity;
  • invitation letter issued  by foreign states’ authorities / international organizations;
  • an Order of Ukraine’s Central Election Commission on registration of official observers from foreign states and international organizations for presidential elections, parliamentary elections, local elections and national referendums;
  • document(s) confirming that the applicant is a spouse, a parent or a child of a citizen of Ukraine.

for long-term (D type) visas – one of the following:

  • a certified copy of the work permit issued by Ukraine’s State Centre for Employment. Foreiners / stateless persons exempt from the requierement to obtain a work permit in order to be employed in Ukraine are to provide a copy of the work contract. Persons of Ukrainian descent are to provide their certificate of a person of Ukrainian descent and a copy of the work contract;
  • a copy of the immigration permit issued by a local office of Ukraine’s State Migration Service;
  • document(s) confirming that the applicant is a family member of a foreigner/stateless person who has been granted refuge/temporary protection in Ukraine. Certificates issued by foreign countries should be apostilled (legalized) and translated into Ukrainian as well as duly certified;
  • invitation letter issued by a relevant Ukraine’s state authority/entity/organisation which is a recipient of international technical assistance project as well as a confirmation of the registration of the relevant international technical assistance project;
  • invitation letter issued by a religious organisation duly registered in Ukraine for a long-term performance of religious/missionary/canonical activities accompanied  by a letter issued by Ukraine’s state authority which has registered that religious organization (e.g. Ukraine’s Ministry for Culture / Department on Religious Matters of  the relevant regional or city state administration);
  • invitation letter issued by a foreign non-governmental organization (branch / office) duly registered in Ukraine;
  • invitation letter issued by a foreign company duly registered in Ukraine;
  • invitation letter issued by a branch of a foreign bank registered in Ukraine;
  • invitation letter issued by a branch of a foreign Mass Media duly registered in Ukraine with a request to issue a visa to the Mass Media staff member;
  • official letter/verbal note issued by a relevant foreign state authority/foreign diplomatic mission/international organisation (office) with a request to issue a long-term visa to the mission/organisation (office) staff member as well as her/his family members;
  • invitation letter issued by Ukraine’s relevant government authority which implements respective cultural, educational, scientific, sport or volunteering programs or an invitation letter issued by an entity/institution/organisation engaging volunteers in their activities accompanied by the copy of that entity/institution/organisation’s state registration certificate;
  • documents confirming that the applicant is a spouse of a national of Ukraine. Marriage certificates issued by foreign countries should be apostilled (legalized) and translated into Ukrainian as well as duly certified;
  • document(s) confirming that the applicant is a family member of a foreigner/stateless person residing in Ukraine upon a temporary residence permit accompanied by a copy of that foreigner/stateless person’s temporary residence permit as well as proof of that foreigner/stateless person’s sufficient funds to cover applicant’s expenses in Ukraine. Certificates issued by foreign countries should be apostilled (legalized) and translated into Ukrainian as well as duly certified;
  • documents defined by the subparagraph 4 of the paragraph 12 of the Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons" confirming that the applicant is a founder and/or participant and/or beneficial owner of (exercises control over) the legal entity registered in the United State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations of Ukraine, and that the applicant’s contribution (or a foreign legal entity’s share – in cases where the applicant is the beneficial owner or exercises control over a foreign legal entity which has a share in the Ukrainian legal entity) in that legal entity’s capital comprises no less than €100 000 according to the official foreign currency exchange rate set by the National Bank for the date when the foreign investment has been made. Documents issued by foreign countries should be apostilled (legalized) and translated into Ukrainian as well as duly certified;
  • other documents (if stipulated by Ukraine’s international treaties).

Application processing times

Ukraine’s Embassies/Consulates abroad process visa applications and make visa decisions:

  • in up to 5 working days from the day of application within expedited service (specific number of days to be defined by each Embassy/Consulate);
  • in up to 10 working days from the day of application within regular service unless stipulated otherwise by Ukraine’s international treaties. Processing time of an application filed within regular service may be extended for up to 30 working days if additional checks are necessary.

MFA visa divisions at border check points at "Boryspil" and "Odesa" international airports process visa applications and make visa decisions on the day of application.

E-Visa applications are processed within 9 working days.

Visa fees

Ukraine’s Embassies/Consulates abroad charge $65.00 (basic visa fee) for processing visa applications via regular service. Fees are doubled for all applications filed upon expedited service.

Visa fees for certain visa types for applicants from certain countries might differ from basic visa fee above due to reciprocity principle. Please see reciprocal fees.

Information on visa fees may also be found at the relevant Embassy/Consulate website.

MFA visa divisions at border check points at "Boryspil" and "Odesa" international airports charge 2550 UAH fee (unless stipulated otherwise by Ukraine’s international treaties).

E-Visas are issued upon the $85.00 fee.

Fees are not refunded in case of visa refusal.

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